
A customer may submit a complaint to the BH Pošta regarding the transportation deadlines, delivery method, damage of postal items and other sorts of complaints.


Complaints may be submitted only against postal items with receipt.

Complaints are to be submitted by the following customers:

  1. a) sender or his authorized person, in cases when postal item was not delivered, or transportation deadline was exceeded or the service was partly performed;
  2. b) Addressee or his authorized person, in case of damaged postal item or its content reduced.

Sender’s complaint

If the customer believes that the postal item was not delivered to the addressee or it was delivered with delay, i.e. the contracted service was not performed in full or at all, he may submit a complaint to the authorized postal operator within 6 (six) months from the date of posting of the postal item.

The Complaint should be made through the „Claim form“ paper (CN08 or P-115) and postage payment for postal items of domestic operations defined by the service price list except for postal items with receipt. During the complaint, the customer of the services is obliged to give the employee of the post office the receipt paper, for insight, holding number and date of the claim preparation verified by stamp, on its back page.

Generally, the sender should submit the complaint to the postal operator’s office where the postal item was posted. The sender can exceptionally submit the complaint to any other office of the postal operator who forwards the complaint to the posting office of the questioned postal item.

The postal operator is obliged to submit a written reply on the grounds of the complaint within:

– 30 (thirty) days from the date of submission of the complaint for postal items in domestic postal operations;

– 60 (sixty) days from the date of submission of the complaint for postal items in international postal operations

Addressee’s complaint

The addressee should submit the complaint to the office of the delivering postal operator.

The complaint for damage or reduced content of postal item must be submitted by the addressee or his authorized person right upon delivery of the postal item, before the post office makes the Verification note on the postal item.

The complaint submitted after delivery of postal item shall not be accepted except in case when the addressee, not later than next working day, encloses the evidence proving that the damage or the content reduction of the postal item occurred after the delivery.

Customers’ complaints

Beside reclamations regarding transportation deadlines, methods of delivery and damage of postal items, the customer may submit the „JP BH POŠTA“ d.o.o. Sarajevo company other complaints, too, or may require additional information in one of the following ways:

In writing to the following address:


Sektor za poštanski promet,

Obala Kulina bana 8


Via e-mail:

By phone:

Ph. +387 (0)33



Postal operator is obliged to indemnify the customer of postal services, in case of loss, damage, content reduction or excess of deadlines of transportation of postal items occurred due to the fault made deliberately or by negligence by the postal operator.

On the basis of the written reply, the customer may submit the postal operator a request for indemnification (P-112) within 30 (thirty) days upon receipt of the reply. The request for indemnification must be enclosed by the rejected claim form (CN08 or P-105) i.e. Damage Report of the postal item.

If the lost postal item or its part is found upon indemnification, the postal operator is obliged to inform the customer on its finding.

If the customer requires delivery of subsequently found postal item, he is obliged to return the amount of received indemnification. Otherwise, the postal operator is entitled to destroy the postal item or to sell its content.

The sender is liable to the postal operator for the damage his postal item caused to other postal items, objects, equipment, staff of the postal operator and other persons, provided that it was proved that the damage was caused by guilt, intention or negligence of the sender.

Exemption from liability

Postal operator is not liable in the following cases:

  1. a) when he proves that the cases (loss or damage of postal item or reduction of its content, excess of transportation and delivery deadlines, non-provision of service or partial provision of service) could not be predicted, avoided or removed (Force of Majeure);
  2. b) when the customer fails to submit the complaint in defined term or fails to submit a request for indemnification within the defined term;
  3. c) in case of postal items containing the prohibited articles;
  4. d) in case of the damage made due to the customer who did not pack the postal item in the proper way securing its content or he did not use relevant service offered by the postal operator.

Postal operator is not liable for the lost profit, for real damage that may occur due to the loss, damage or content reduction of postal item as well as for excess of deadline for transportation and delivery of postal item.


Depending on defined irregularities, the postal operator is obliged to pay the customer a certain amount of indemnification.







Registered postal item Tenfold amount of the charged postage Fivefold amount of the charged postage Amount of the charged postage
Insured letter Amount of insured value To the amount corresponding  the real value of damaged or reduced content of postal item, max. up to the amount of insured value Amount of the charged postage
Parcel Amount of insured value To the amount corresponding the real value of damaged or reduced content, max. up to the amount of insured value Amount of the charged postage
Money order Disbursement of the order amount per „a duplicate“ of money order Amount of the charged postage
Insured EMS item Amount of insured value Amount of insured value Amount of the charged postage
Other than insured EMS item Tenfold amount of  postage Fivefold amount of the charged postage
Registered postal item

30 DTS + amount of

the charged postage (without postage for handling of registered item)

to the amount corresponding the real value of damaged or reduced content of postal item, max. up to 30 DTS
Registered M bag

150 DTS + amount of

the charged postage (without postage for handling of registered item)

to the amount corresponding the real value of damaged or reduced content of postal item, max. up to 150 DTS
Insured letter

Amount of insured value + amount of the charged postage

(without postage for handling of insured  item and insurance)

to the amount corresponding the real value of damaged or reduced content of postal item, max. up to the insured value

Ordinary parcel


40 DTS + 4,5 DTS per kg +

amount of the charged postage

to the amount corresponding the real value of damaged or reduced content of postal item, max. up to 40 DTS +

4,5 DTS/kg

Insured parcel Amount of insured value + amount of the charged postage (without postage for handling of insured  item and insurance) to the amount corresponding the real value of damaged or reduced content of postal item, max. up to the insured value
EMS postal item

  30 DTS for documents

130 DTS for goods

to the amount corresponding the real value of damaged or reduced content of postal item, max. up to 30 DTS  for documents and 130 DTS for goods Amount of the charged postage


Beside the indemnification, the customer has the right to reimbursement of the postage charged for certain service. In case of excess of deadline of transportation of the postal item, the amount of the charged postage shall be reimbursed to the customer.

Commercial Services

Commission trade in BH Postal Service

Commission trade is a form of trade comprising an agent on one side and its client on the other.

The agent (BH Postal Service) acts as intermediary acting in its own name but for the account of the client (Supplier) which is a producer or owner of the merchandise. A fee the agent receives is called commission for the goods sold, which have to be sold with “care and diligence of a prudent businessman“.

Contract is signed for each commission deal. On the basis of the contract, an agent receives sales order for sale of certain goods, i.e. instructions of imperative and indicative nature. Commission order can be commercial or fixed. Commercial order implies purchasing and sale of goods under optimal conditions obliging the client, and the fixed order implies receiving fixed requirements that have to be obeyed, as difference is borne by the client. Commission order may be of ad hoc nature (from case to case). Commission sale is usually conducted by specialised companies qualified for certain types of business, i.e. goods, with insufficient capital of its own.

BH Postal Service usually uses fixed commission contracts.Prodajna mjesta

Retain Outlets

BH Postal Service carries out sale in almost all its branches (postal units) that have at least one or more counters, as well as in the Post Shops which exist in the Postal Centres in Goražde (one), Zenica (two), Bihać (three) and Mostar (two). Sale of commission merchandise entails use of showcases, stands or shelves installed in appropriate places in the post offices.

Product Assortment

BH Postal Service in its retail outlets offers a wide range of merchandise appropriate for sale in post offices. In addition to postcards and greeting cards, it is possible to purchase daily newspapers, magazines, various publications, books, school and office supplies, adhesive duty stamps, products like lighters and key chains, cigarettes and other products.

In addition, BH Postal Service offers the following commercial services:

  • copying and binding of documents;
  • rental of safe boxes;
  • printing services;
  • agency services in telephone communications;
  • acceptance of post items in business premises of the sender;
  • expedite services, etc.

For additional information, please call 1312 (our Contact centar),
or send an e-mail to:

Express Mail Services


EMS is a type of postal service which provides the fastest and the safest delivery of post items in both domestic and international postal services, within the defined term of delivery.

Express mail item constitutes a courier service which includes acceptance of a post item, based on specific request made by the sender (via telephone et al), at the address specified by the sender, and delivery of the said item at the address of the addressee.

EMS (Express Mail Service) is the universal abbreviation for this particular service, used in both domestic and international postal services. EMS items are sealed and recorded.  Adequate records are kept at each stage of handing the items (acceptance, dispatch, transfer, arrival, delivery), as stipulated in Courier Service Provision Manual – EMS, and in Provision of Postal Services Regulations (including excerpts from other regulations governing postal matters).

EMS Courier service rate for domestic and international postal services is determined pursuant to Domestic and International Postal Service Price List.

Express mail item weight, in both domestic and international postal services, may not exceed 15 kilos.

EMS items’ dimensions, in both domestic and international postal services, may not exceed:

  • in case of surface EMS items, the sum of length, width and height may range from 30 cm to 140 cm, and if an item is of cylindrical shape, the sum of length and two diameters may not exceed 140 cm, and it may not amount to less than 17 cm; in addition, one of the shortest dimensions may not be less than 10cm;
  • in case of air EMS items, their length may not exceed 50 cm, and each other side may not exceed 40 cm.

In domestic postal services, the smallest EMS dimensions are the following:  25 x 17,6cm.

The maximum marked value of an EMS item is KM 10 000.

EMS item, in domestic postal services, may contain written statements, money, goods, and other objects, with the exception of the objects prohibited by law. The sender will be held responsible for mailing prohibited objects or goods in EMS items in domestic postal services.

Sender of EMS item will be held responsible for any damages to other postal items that occur as a result of dispatching a prohibited object, or as a result of failure to satisfy reception criteria. The sender will be held responsible even if the receiving post office accepted the said item.

Sender will not be held responsible in the case of error or neglect on the part of receiving post office or transporting authority.

Sender shall submit an EMS item as a separate parcel should it contain live animals, very fragile objects, liquids, highly liquefiable materials, animal or human organ parts, urns containing ashes, sensitive devices, infectious materials and the like.

EMS items submitted may or may not have marked values.

In domestic postal service, EMS items may be accepted as valued items or as items including either advice of delivery or cash on delivery service.

If requested, in addition to post office counters, EMS items may be accepted at sender’s home or office address.

Postal centers receive notifications of EMS items to be accepted, between 7AM and 8PM, on the following telephone number: 1417.

Transfer and delivery terms of EMS items

EMS items must be transferred and delivered within the following terms of transfer and delivery:

  • EMS items submitted to be delivered to an addressee in the area of the same post – the same city:
    D/D – the same day, until 2PM (no acceptance after 11AM)
    D/D – the same day, until 8PM
    D+1 – the next day, until 2PM
    D+1 – the next day, until 8PM
    D+2 –within the period of two days
  • EMS items submitted to be delivered to an addressee in the area of the same PC:
    D/D – the same day, until 2PM (no acceptance after 3PM)
    D+1 – the next day , until 2PM
    D+1 – the next day, until 8PM
    D+2 –within the period of two days
  • EMS items submitted in the headquarters of one PC to be delivered in the headquarters of other PC:
    D+1 – the next day, until 2PM
    D+1 – the next day, until 8PM
    D+2 –within the period of two days
  • EMS items submitted in a post office outside of the headquarters of one PC to be delivered outside of headquarters of other PC:
    D+1 – the next day, until 8PM
    D+2 –within the period of two days

to the top

Urgent Post Item

Any letter post item, postal and telegraph order and parcel must be submitted as an urgent item should it contain highly perishable goods.

Post item addressed to a wider delivery area, a PO BOX or poste restante cannot be submitted.

The urgent post item will be delivered to an addressee before any other item, under the terms and in the manner as defined by Terms and Conditions of Provision of Postal Services Regulations.

Sticker or label which reads „EXPRESS“ (urgent), in light red lettering, will be placed in the upper left corner of the address side of the urgent post item. In case there is no sticker or label available, the word EXPRESS (urgent) must be written in large red letters.

In international postal service, the urgent post items will be accepted to be delivered only in the countries that accept the service.

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Very Urgent Parcel

Parcels considered very urgent are dispatched to destination post office via the first available postal and transport connection, in accordance with the provisions of the post items transport schedule.

Any parcel may be submitted as very urgent parcel, regardless of its content and its type.

A parcel containing live animals or highly perishable goods must be submitted as very urgent parcel.

Very urgent parcel delivery is carried out in the manner defined for the delivery of very urgent postal items.

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The list of countries with which BiH exchanges EMS items:


  • IRAN
  • USA
  • UAE

For additional information, please call 1312 (our Contact centar,
or send an e-mail to:

  • 1
  • 2